These were the manifestations of the philanthropy of our civilization, at work in its basic concepts also and manifest in its laws when they were proclaimed for the people. Now the question arises whether it factually behaved like that when it came in power. Or this principle just remained on paper like the Charter of Human Rights of the United Nations, whose anniversary is celebrated every year with great pomp and show, but the great powers of the world are trampling them under their feet every days, every hour throughout the year. Again, were these principles confined to the countries in which they had been proclaimed like the principles of the French Revolution that remained limited to the confines of France only, and those in the French dominions, colonies and those under mandatory rule were denied the privileges of liberty, equality and fraternity? Has any statue of liberty been erected anywhere else in the world like the one standing on the sea shore in New York that every one entering that country witnesses? And in the world outside, American policies and activities are practically chiding liberty, and the lovers of peace and liberty are being oppressed and crushed.
No. It was not so with the Islamic civilization. It accomplished what it professed. We ought to ask history since that is the only true witness. We ought to look at the brilliant aspects of the philanthropy of our civilization and see for ourselves what the facts, attitudes and acts of those in authority and ordinary individuals of our civilization, that are deeply impressed on the pages of history, are proclaiming loudly.
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Mücevherler saçılmasına Vesile Olan Meşhur Salavat-ı Şerife
صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَى سَ...
12 hours ago
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