Certainly this is a unique incident and is an example of a high standard of morality. But it stands no corn-parison with the incident of 'Umar cited above. 'Umar sacrificing his sleep and comfort of the night came out to find out the condition of the people, when he found a woman passing through the pangs of labour, having no one to help her, he came home, took his wife with him and loaded with provisions himself and the wife with the needs of the mother and the new born infant, to go to the tent of a Bedouin far from the town in the darkness Ii of the night. The wife, who, in our present day termi-nology, was the queen, plays the role of a maid-servant, a mid-wife, and he himself takes upon the role of the cook. Is there a single example of this height of man's psyche? The height which was never attained by any ruler of a state on this globe. This is one of those brilliant incidents that go to make 'Umar so great, and also one of the dazzling aspects of our civilization that it moulded a simple beduin Arab like 'Umar into a personage that even today occupies the highest stand among the great men in the history of mankind, just as our civilization stands out among the civilization of the world, topping the list.
İmâm-ı Şafiî'nin Salevâtı
İmam-ı Şâfiî Hazretlerinin Cennetin Kapısında Meleklerin Eliyle Başına
Mücevherler saçılmasına Vesile Olan Meşhur Salavat-ı Şerife
صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَى سَ...
12 hours ago
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