The one giving naseehah must choose the right time to give his advice, since a person is not always ready to receive naseehah.A person may be angry about something, upset about not getting what he wanted, grieved for something he may have lost, or there may be some other reason that might prevent him from responding to the naseehah.Abdul Hamid Bilali writes, "Choosing proper time and place is one of the greatest causes for the acceptance of naseehah and eradicating evil", and as Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud said, "Hearts (sometimes) yearn and are attentive, but (sometimes) they go through lapses and feed repulsion. So take from them when they are (in a state of) yearning and are attentive, and leave them alone when they go through lapses and are feeling repulsion."
İmâm-ı Şafiî'nin Salevâtı
İmam-ı Şâfiî Hazretlerinin Cennetin Kapısında Meleklerin Eliyle Başına
Mücevherler saçılmasına Vesile Olan Meşhur Salavat-ı Şerife
صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَى سَ...
12 hours ago
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