Verses one through five are the first revealed verses of the Holy Qurán. Revealed before the Hijrah. This chapter has 19 verses.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
1. Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created-
2. Created man, out of a leech-like clot:
3. Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,-
4. He Who taught (the use of) the Pen,-
5. Taught man that which he knew not.
6. Nay, but man doth transgress all bounds,
7. In that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient.
8. Verily, to thy Lord is the return (of all).
9. Seest thou one who forbids-
10. A votary when he (turns) to pray?
11. Seest thou if he is on (the road of) Guidance?-
12. Or enjoins Righteousness?
13. Seest thou if he denies (Truth) and turns away?
14. Knoweth he not that Allah doth see?
15. Let him beware! If he desist not, We will drag him by the forelock,-
16. A lying, sinful forelock!
17. Then, let him call (for help) to his council (of comrades):
18. We will call on the angels of punishment (to deal with him)!
19. Nay, heed him not: but prostrate in adoration, and bring thyself the closer to Allah)!
İmâm-ı Şafiî'nin Salevâtı
İmam-ı Şâfiî Hazretlerinin Cennetin Kapısında Meleklerin Eliyle Başına
Mücevherler saçılmasına Vesile Olan Meşhur Salavat-ı Şerife
صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَى سَ...
12 hours ago
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